What is a Cure?

quote-the-art-of-medicine-consists-in-amusing-the-patient-while-nature-cures-the-disease-voltaire-191207I’ve stated many times on my website and social media pages why I call my remedy “An Absolute CURE for RLS.”

I call it an “ABSOLUTE” cure, because it is.

If you find out what is causing the inflammation in your body and begin to replace that with a healthier option, your RLS symptoms will lessen. This is guaranteed.

The more you lessen the inflammation in your body the more your RLS will lessen.

If you religiously follow an anti-inflammatory regime, and are able to eliminate the main sources of your chronic inflammation (whether it be stress, diet, environment, food intolerance etc.) you will eventually become free of RLS.

Once that occurs, then by definition (according to four of the world’s most popular dictionaries) that indicates that you have found a “cure” for your RLS.

OxfordOxford Dictionary
“Relieve a person or animal of the symptoms of a disease or condition.”

Merriam-Webster Dictionary
“Something that stops a disease and makes someone healthy again.”

Cambridge Dictionary
“To make someone healthy again, or to cause an illness to go away.”

Scrabble Dictionary
“Restore to health.”

At some point in time the Medical Community hijacked the word “cure” and made it their own. In their minds the only cure is one that eliminates a condition or disease through drugs.

This rigid interpretation of the word is not accurate. As the definitions above state, ANY way that you are able to eliminate your condition, is considered a cure.

It’s kind of ironic when you think about it. When is the last time you heard about a new drug on the market that actually cured something?

“Drugs are powerful tools when they are not overused, but the notion of simple drug fixes is fundamentally flawed. Every BruceLiptontime a drug is introduced into the body to correct function A, it inevitably throws off function B, C or D.” – Bruce Lipton, author of “The Biology of Belief”


“Medicines are of subordinate importance because of their very nature they can only work symptomatically.” – Hans Kusche, M.D.

Oliver-Wendell-Holmes-Sr“If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity” – O.W. Holmes, (Prof. of Med. Harvard University)

“Every drug increases and complicates the patients condition.” – Robert Henderson, M.D.

“Doctors give drugs of which they know little, into bodies, of which they know less, for Diseases of which they know nothing at all.” – Voltaire

“Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature’s protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time.” – Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.

“It’s supposed to be a secret, but I’ll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor Schweitzer_bigwithin.” – Albert Schweitzer, M.D.

“The greatest part of all chronic disease is created by the suppression of acute disease by drug poisoning.” – Henry Lindlahr, M.D.

“Every educated physician knows that most diseases are not appreciably helped by medicine.” – Richard C. Cabot, M.D. 200px-Picture_of_Richard_Clarke_Cabot(Mass. Gen. Hospital)

“The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it.” – Maimonides

“Medicine is only palliative, for back of disease lies the cause, and this cause no drug can reach.” – Wier Mitchel, M.D.

“Medical practice has neither philosophy nor common sense to recommend it. In sickness the body is already loaded with impurities. By taking drug – medicines more impurities are added, thereby the case is further embarrassed and harder to cure.” – Elmer Lee, M.D., Past Vice President, Academy of Medicine.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will Cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison

York Hospital Physician Photo Shoot“The necessity of teaching mankind not to take drugs and medicines, is a duty incumbent upon all who know their uncertainty and injurious effects; and the time is not far distant when the drug system will be abandoned.” – Charles Armbruster, M. D.

“We must admit that we have never fought the homeopath on matters of principle. We fought them because they came into our community and got the business.” – Dr. J.N. McCormack


  1. Cathy said

    I can’t thank you enough for your blog. Before finding your blog, I had the typical medical experience. I had gone to a couple of general practitioners and two neurologists all of whom wrote me prescriptions for anti-anxiety medicines and RLS drugs. While I was relieved to be neurologically healthy, I really didn’t want to be on medicine for the rest of my life, so I went to a nutritionist. I explained that I wanted to try the RLS diet and she told me unless I was celiac I didn’t need to go gluten free. She also told me I was too young to be so uncomfortable and I should be open to taking medicine. Ugh! Because of your blog I felt I had another option to try. My compliance to the diet has not been perfect, but I’ve been working on it for 2.5 months and my sympyoms are gone!!! I haven’t had an “episode” in a couple of weeks. I sleep better, I can focus better at work, and I’m a happier person. Not feeling frustrated by RLS symptoms everyday is an amazing gift you’ve given me! You’ve improved my quality of life tremendously. Thank you so much for all of the information you put out there. You’ve given me the tools and encouragement to take my health into my own hands. I feel so grateful to you for starting me on this journey.

    • rlsottawa said

      Hi Cathy I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful message! This is what keeps me pushing on through the infinite negativity. I really appreciate your taking the time to let me know. If you could write down the steps you took to your recovery (what supplements you took, how you changed your diet etc.) it would be very helpful to others and would give my website more credibility. You can e-mail that to dwimble@magma.ca
      Thanks again for this amazing comment!!

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